During Production Inspection (DPI)

What’s During Production Inspection? Delivering on time with high-quality deliverables is extremely important for any businesses’ supply chain. Consequently, it is extremely difficult that one can properly manage the production time of a facility without conducting the DPI Inspection. During production, checks are specially designed inspections programs that aim to filter out any issues from the production line when 20 % of the products have been produced. It is a method of during production quality control and has wonderful benefits for your business. QTS offers physical, on-site inspections of your production line and filters out all the possible issues that can lead to problems later on. During the DPI inspection, we do a sampling check as per the AQL or ISO 2859-1 (ANSI/ASQZ1.4) and other important checks that are explained below. Tetra Inspection uses specially prepared state of the art checklists for conducting during production checks on site that covers the entire manufacturing process.

Why During Production Inspection is important?

During production quality control forms the backbone of any production line. A slight fault at the beginning of production can potentially damage the entire batch of production. Ultimately, more and more organizations are implementing the DUPRO inspection programs in their production lines to ensure high-quality output and streamlined processes.

In a glance, During Production Inspections can help you in:

  • Finding issues during the early stages of production when you can make amends.
  • Managing your production schedule more effectively.
  • Avoiding monetary losses due to reworking and returned orders.
  • Improving the quality of your products by “nipping” the problems in the “bud”.
  • Increasing customer satisfaction that will be based on high-quality, on-time deliverables.

Without During Production Checks, ensuring high-quality and low turn-around-time is nearly impossible.

Why You Need During Production Inspection?

QTS brings you the best inspection services in town. On request, our inspectors will travel to the site, conduct an audit and prepare the report by highlighting the key areas that require improvement.
During production inspections, our inspectors will look for:

  • The actual production status as compared to the planned production status.
  • Quality of the finished and semi-finished products.
  • Quantity of the product and its rate of production.
  • Conformity of the products to the customer requirements.
  • Conformity of the products to the international manufacturing standards.
  • Proper packaging, marking, and labeling of the products.
  • Measurements, weights, and size of the products.
  • Carton drop test (ASTM D5276).
  • Functional testing of the products including resistance, hi-pot, and all other relevant testings.
  • Adhesive testing (ASTM D3359-02).

If you want to take your business to the next level then you have to implement “the methodical during production inspections” services. QTS will offer you an in-depth during production inspection, with a detailed report that will help you rectify the problems in the supply chain.